4 Keys to Getting Paid on Time

The government space is full of miles upon miles of red tape.  Use the following tips to help expedite your payments on SBIR/STTR contracts.

1 - Follow the invoicing instructions in the contract.  

Your contract, and/or its attachments will include detailed invoicing instructions to include invoicing systems, codes, timing, and distribution for approvals. Got questions?  Call your contracting officer.  Need help with your invoice?  Contact your ACO.

2 - Invoice according to your contract type.

Fixed Price (FAR 52.232-2) - Progress payments or milestone payments.

Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (FAR 52.216-7) - Vouchers to be submitting approximately twice monthly.

3 - Operate within your funding thresholds.

A contract may not be fully funded and you may be responsible for notifying the Government when you reach certain thresholds.

Fixed Price - At least 90 days prior to the date when you will reach 85% of the funded amount.

Cost-Reimbursable - 30-90 days prior to the date when you will reach 75%-85% of the funded amount.

4 - Register in the proper systems

DoD - https://wawf.eb.mil/index.xhtml

NASA- https://www.nssc.nasa.gov/vendorpayment

Department of Energy- https://vipers.doe.gov/


Keep in mind that each contract is different and your contracts specific terms will govern how your company is paid.


Looking for an organized system to keep track of funding thresholds and invoicing instructions?  Click here to try Karta free for 30 days.