Phase I to Phase II Transition Rate
The Phase I to Phase II Transition Rate requirement applies only to SBIR and STTR Phase I applicants that have received more than 20 (21 or more) Phase I awards over the past 5 fiscal years, excluding the most recent year. These companies must meet the required benchmark rate of transition from Phase I to Phase II. The current Transition Rate requirement, agreed upon and established by all 11 SBIR agencies, is that an awardee must have received an average of one Phase II for every four Phase I awards received during the most recent 5-year time period (which excludes the most recently-completed fiscal year) to be eligible for a new Phase I award. That is, the ratio of Phase II to Phase I awards must be at least 0.25.
For SBIR/STTR awardees that have received more than 20 Phase I awards during the time period, SBA calculates the company Transition Rate and displays it on the company registry page Companies with less than that number of past Phase I awards will only see “N/A” because the benchmark requirement does not apply to them. To calculate the company Transition Rate, SBA divides the total number of SBIR and STTR Phase II awards a company received from all agencies during the past 5 fiscal years by the total number of SBIR and STTR Phase I awards it received during the past 5 fiscal years excluding the most recently-completed year. The 5-year period over which Phase I awards are counted excludes the most recently completed fiscal year because not all Phase II awards can occur within the same year as the Phase I award.